Weird and unique doesn't necessarily make something good.
14 September 2022
Swiss Army Man is the story of a man stranded on a desert island. He's lost all hope and just as he is about to hang himself he sees a corpse wash up on shore. The corpse has magical powers and the ability to communicate so they become friends and set off to reunite the man with his girlfriend back in civilisation.

Yes this is a very weird movie. I can appreciate how unique and strange it is and the first half an hour or so is pretty entertaining. It doesn't come across as particularly pretentious but it quickly becomes pretty annoying and it just isn't funny.

It's billed as a comedic adventure but it doesn't really have any comedy or adventure, just scene after scene of a deeply mentally ill man messing around with a corpse and laughing at farts.

It's cool to see someone actually trying to make something which is completely different to most movies out there but you also need a good story, relatable characters and for a movie this freaking strange you need real laughs.
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