The Orville: Deflectors (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
Transparent comment on homophobia
12 September 2022
The original Star Trek would sometimes tackle social issues of the day, using the science fiction context to good effect. One of the more heavy handed examples is "Let that be Your Last Battlefield", which addressed racial hatred. With this episode, Seth MacFarlane shows that he knows his Trek, and knows how to follow its approach. It's an example of why people say that the Orville is more Trek than the recent shows officially named Trek. The episode centers around the social attitudes of the Moclans. Conditions on their planet caused them to become an all-male society that will not tolerate having females, even to the extent of immediately changing any female-born Moclan to a male, and imprisoning and shaming any male who is attracted to a female. It turns out that Bortus' ex boyfriend is such a male, with tragic consequences. The episode is an obvious allegory meant to comment on homophobia. It was interesting to see Captain Mercer question Moclan participation in the Planetary Union, based on their attitudes. Is it really the business of the Union to have everyone share the same social attitudes regarding sex? It seems to me that the episode inadvertently highlighted how ludicrous it would be to have disparate aliens serving on the same ship.
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