Leaning towards a 6.5, cozy film
4 August 2022
I personally found this movie quite charming. Sure, I quite dislike how some aspects/plots in the regency era are somewhat limited, and frankly people have not been the most creative in this genre but this movie is refreshing. There is a mix of some originality and repetitiveness (refering to P&P 2005 obvious influence: opening scene proposal to Selene, ducks/geese walking around, the popular use of the word 'ardently', etc) which I wish directors would stop trying to copy and embrace their orginality, for the most part this film is.

The side charecters stole the show for me, especially Julia & Cassy! Compared to the main leads who were a bit bland but tolerable. I do enjoy diverse casting as it makes the movie somewhat more relatable but I am able to understand why other people do not, seeing as it casually erases all emphasis with respect to history and I would not want, say, a white man representing my culture as others have stated below. No racism, just consider the fact that a british guy leads the role of a chinese emperor in a historical adaptation, doesn't fit does it? Or an arab bedouin haha. But somehow with the HR genre becoming more popular, add bridgerton to the equation and the representation seems to be normalized....?
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