Review of Resident Evil

Resident Evil (2022)
Resident Evil : Teenage Soap Opera With Zombies
22 July 2022
Well, I tried. I gave the show a chance and it was just so bad that I gave up after about thirty minutes into the first episode.

Maybe I'm not the target audience, but this is another teen soap opera, this is definitely not Resident Evil.

The show could have been outstanding, but unfortunately this is another in a series of missed opportunities. They could have simply transferred the story and characters to the screen, but instead they chose to make a soap opera for teenagers.

There's no point in wasting time on something this bad. The dialogue is comical, some actors act terribly badly and this further destroys the already bad impression this series leaves.

Out of so many interesting characters, the writers and producers decided to deliver us another show with boring and unlikable teenage characters.

Quite simply, this show is an example of how to waste good potential.
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