Ca$h Cab (2005–2020)
Best memory practice you can have, w/plenty of humor
3 July 2022
It is great to have a show that hunes your memory with the added feature of seeing some of the most lanbrained answer. But some questions, once in a blue moon***second full moon in a month*** mad me mad! The one lately with irked me was :Who was the Scottish steel magnet who gave away millions toward the end of his life?" The question should have read: "Who was the Scottish steel magnet who murdered nearly 3000 town folk on Memorial Day 1889?" A much more important question to me, considering 4 of those people were kin! My favorite question with one or the worst answers was "Which General sent President Lincoln a letter presenting him with Atlanta as a Christmas present?". The answer was so far off base I had to laugh, long and hard! The people answered Stonewall Jackson! Well I have to give them credit for getting a General from the Civil War as the answer, but naming Sronewall Jackson had two tremendous flaws attached to it. Because Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate General the only thing he might have sent Pres. Lincoln was a cannonball thru the oval office. But the second reason was the killer, because General Jackson has been dead about 1 1/2 years, which might have made it nearly impossible!!!!!! Good luck Ben with getting new shows!
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