A Fun but slow lower grade film.
7 June 2022
The movie get a 7 because it has enough to keep the viewers interest wanting to see the end. James Colburn is his usual self as he rarely I ever actually becomes the character he plays. Always an overrated actor, it puzzles us how he developed any following. But knowing that, this role is quite perfect for Coleburn and does not tax his acting skills. Trish Van Devere is the second best after Walter Pigeon who rarely fails to become the character he plays. Michael Sarazzan as usual stiffly delivers his lines as if he just memorized them just as a pro amateur would. The story has huge gaps which play no purpose in moving the plots along. One does not need these breaks in what is a low tension and predictable story. But still we find these "filler" movies made at a time theaters were one screen and offered an afternoon of double features. The most disappointing thing about movies in the late 1960-1970's are often the endings which don't really exist as the movie sort of just stops without resolution. This again is a disappointment in this movie about pickpocket gang. After watching "Harry in Your Pocket" one might enjoy another Colburn movie, "Duck Sucker".
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