A very Norm special. A beautiful goodbye.
2 June 2022
There's no real way to organize this so I'm just gonna spitball a few things

Norm in my opinion was always at his best when he was in a room with people who hate his guts. Many of these jokes were edgy enough to get him in trouble but not so edgy that it's hateful. I wish she had the time to perform the set live because it would be incredible with half of the audience booing him.

Norm has always been the biggest clown in the room, but there's a brief moment where you see how serious he took his craft. About halfway through the special, one of his dogs starts barking for a moment. The character he creates would make you think that he would get distracted or make a mention about it, but for a brief moment he broke character. He was completely unfazed. For a few seconds we got to see that everything he's ever done on stage has been on purpose.

I laughed a lot. It also made me sad. There are some moments he talked about things like mortality where you realize he understands his time is limited.

Like I said I don't really have a format for this. I just know that I really enjoyed this and I will be watching it again.
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