Funny Financial Fallacies of Newlywed Life!
29 May 2022
I give this movie 10 stars because I'm in favor of bona fide wives who stay home, and the financial fallacies presented in this film are a hoot!

The money struggles in this movie amuse me and make me plead for a Dave Ramsey intervention; the idea that a woman poorly manages a household budget and thinks that if she works more money will make the difference is a totally amusing fallacy.

As old fashioned as the movie may seem due to the idea of a wife staying home, it's actually quite modern in terms of showcasing poor financial management by spending money on frivolities while bills go unpaid, and the idea of a woman who can't master her kitchen and instead of getting better with her skills she avoids it by getting a job; these are modern ways of living in 2022.

I believe women can do anything they set their minds to, but if they don't set their minds to being the best bona fide housewife they can be by managing the money properly and supporting their husbands by believing in them, then maybe women are better off getting a job that expects less of them.

I'd recommend this movie for newlyweds because it does highlight some valuable marriage lessons between the lines: finances must be discussed without hiding bills, living within a budget must be a goal for both, and don't expect everything to be great the first week or even the first year; it's getting through the challenges together that makes marriage worth it.
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