This Is Us: Family Meeting (2022)
Season 6, Episode 16
This is it
12 May 2022
IMO The whole series was about this moment: To Love Responsibly: even when all odds were against us: Randal the underdog black adopted orphan kid vs the natural adversary the semi-entitled white kid, natural son, the white daughter girl with overweight and self-esteem problems with learning problems 'coz mom dropped on her head as an infant; so pretty much the average people anywhere will be ID with any of the characters in the series, as it was portrayed and the name indicates so; and yet, the lesson is: never give up, something good will give in and you'll get your day in the Sun: we all have a role to play in Society, no exeptions. This is us.

It move me to tears inevitably, it touched too close to home; for me was a message: we can't be loved exactly as we need, deserve or want to, just as is possible, and within possibility: the probability of getting it as much, and as long as we can, which unfairly, is neither always, as it should be; but we must always try to make the best out of every crumb of love or good relationship we're fortunate enough to encounter in our walk of life. My mom is 70+ and has started to forget some things and losing her eyesight and hearing; breaks my heart seeing her vanish a piece daily, like their mom, but fortunately not with a disease, just old age, so I hugged her and started to cry, for failing to love her unless it was on my terms or as I think I deserved, 'coz fair!... Love isn't about fairness, love is about a deep need to care and protect, the goodness and tenderness, of the people we love, despite our imperfect way of loving each other. The fact that we're imperfect at Love, it makes the act of loving, ever more subtly noble, wise, brave and beautifully tolerant; all these, increases the value our love and understanding of each other, for a harmonious coexistence.

Let's all try to accept our imperfections, differences and weirdness and love each other for the quality of persons that we are, not by foolish prejudice, because we're all complementary to each other; that's the nature of the Universe, and if you believe that a God(s) made the Universe, then its functioning is indeed Their Word, hence the Natural Order, we have to be wise enough to recognize it, in each of us.

1) Truth, is the only thing we should seek 2) Love is Wise, Hate is Foolish
  • Message to future generations, Bertrand Russell.
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