Metal Lords (2022)
Rather enjoyable...
8 April 2022
I wasn't really expecting a whole lot from the 2022 comedy "Metal Lords" from writer D. B. Weiss and director Peter Sollett as I sat down to watch the movie. Why? Well, first of all I hadn't heard about the movie, so I wasn't sure what I was in for here. And secondly, then the synopsis for the movie just seemed a bit too generic for a movie of this kind. But still, I opted to watch "Metal Lords".

Turns out that "Metal Lords" was actually rather enjoyable. Sure, it was somewhat on the generic side in terms of innovation and creativity for a movie such as this. But still, it proved to be an enjoyable and entertaining movie. And that was definitely a large part because of the cast and their performances. But the storyline certainly was adequate enough.

Lead actors Adrian Greensmith (playing Hunter) and Jaeden Martell (playing Kevin) were rather well-cast for "Metal Lords", and they carried the movie quite well.

I will say that "Metal Lords" was definitely a movie suited for me, because I've been listening to metal since I was around 11 or 12 years old or so, and been playing roleplaying games for that very same amount of time, and I am almost 47 by now. So the metal references and the Dungeons & Dragons references throughout the movie were as if tailored for my interests.

I was genuinely entertained by "Metal Lords", because it was a movie that transcended being just another run-of-the-mill movie about youngsters forming a metal band and going against the mainstream. There were also good elements of friendship, love, being an outsider and not a bland face in the crowd, and such, so it was a well-rounded movie.

My rating of "Metal Lords" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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