Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Jem'Hadar (1994)
Season 2, Episode 26
Solid finish to the season
4 April 2022
Sisko takes Jake on a field trip through the wormhole.

This is a solid episode that lays a good foundation for what is to come.

The plot is intriguing and entertaining with decent pacing and a reasonably clever ending.

There is an introduction to a new enemy which at this point in the franchise is much needed. It's way too early to pass judgement, but this episode makes the Dominion feel like a credible threat.

We spend some good character time with Sisko, Quark, Jake, and Nog. Sisko and Quark in particular have some strong exchanges and the chemistry between Avery Brooks and Armin Shimerman works well.

Visually it is excellent and showcases some of the best space battle action sequences of the franchise to the date of its original broadcast.

For me it's a 7.5/10 but I round upwards.
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