Review of Radius

Radius (2017)
Great concept, full of potental, only partly achieved.
31 March 2022
Its hard to be down on a low budget film with such a great premise, but (for me) the execution wasn't there. The script left a lot to be desired, and combined with some flat acting, bits are kind of hard to watch. It's hard to say if its the script, acting or both. The plot is more or less what you'd expect, and the final act is actually a pretty cool idea, but again the execution brought it down.

Enough with the negatives though, this film isn't all bad. The idea is really cool, and I wish I could have seen this without the spoilers of the title and plot teaser. I think perhaps the greatest draw of this film is lost when you can't go on the same journey of discovery with our mystery man. That aside, I still enjoyed the early scenes quite a bit.

I really hope these kinds of low budget sci-fi films keep getting made. They many not all be gems, but they're usually more interesting than another billion dollar marvel film. 5.5/10.
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