This 'Bloodfight' is certainly NOT for the faint of fist!
21 February 2022
Director Shuji Goto's blissfully brutal, bloody-knuckled fight-flick 'Bloodfight' (1989) is a fearsomely fleet-footed, free-fighting, sweat-soaked, cranium-cracking martial arts classic! This genuinely exciting, bruisingly bellicose body-blasting extravaganza has harvested a truly golden cast, headed by the heroically hypertrophic, marvellously menacing, majestically mulleted, tibia-trashing titan Bolo Yeung, the handsome, super-charismatic Simon Yam, and that most serene skull-smasher, the high-kicking Kung Fu legend, sensei Yasuaki Kurata!

When these steel-thewed, mongoose mean martial artists bravely step into this deadly storied arena it's not sport, but a gruesome blood-fight for survival!!!! So if you need an intense infusion of adrenalized, ribcage-rupturing action Goto's 'Bloodfight' deliriously delivers a knockout blow to second-rate Kung Fu pretenders, as in the bloody but unbowed DTV martial arts arena very few celluloid contenders have got the warrior heart to finish a...'Bloodfight' B-Movie behemoth Bolo Yeung is on especially nihilistic neck-breaking form as murderously uncaged Bloodfighter Chang, and his scintillatingly savage showdown with sleekly sinister, flint-eyed fist-fighter Masahiro Kai (Yasuaki Kurata)is a barnstormingly bloodthirsty bout of balletic brutality, animalistic intensity, carnal viscerality, and sublime slo-mo majesty!!!! This 'Bloodfight' is certainly NOT for the faint of fist! In 'Bloodsport JCVD broke all the rules, in 'Bloodfight' they go for broke, and break all the heads instead!' - Are YOU up for the challenge?
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