Avenue 5: Eight Arms But No Hands (2020)
Season 1, Episode 9
A ship that SIZE yet what are they missing???.
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain Spoilers** **Does contain Spoilers**

The sheer preposterousness of the script that the main writer Armando Iannucci wants us to swallow.

That of having NO propellant to power engines on the ship, & thrusters for course correction.

Just the sheer stupidity of it, that we know the whole thing is not to be taken seriously too much. Like we see scenes of long long corridors and massive in area service areas that EVERYTHING WAS BOLTED DOWN was it?.

Some of that material could not have been ejected out a cargo hold could it?. As if that would alter course much anyway, I bet the science does not stack up there either.

The ship is being monitored by the techs whilst in the basement control room man cave thing, they would allow these misfits to eject stuff out of a PORT side cargo hold air lock would they?. When THEIR life is at stake.

The misfits antics would have been kept an eye on in person as well.

An access code for one air lock but not for that one that they used. Yea, not likely was it. No ancillary staff on duty either.

The People of Earth aught to feel themselves LUCKY they have gotten rid of such a bunch of vile obnoxious self obsessed types, if only for a while. Only really Hugh Laurie & now & again Mr Neelix that I can be bothered with.

The Silicon Valley guy is too creepy for me always has been. I know he gets GIVEN the lines to say, but some of these lines are to me showing they are coming from a VERY DISTURBED mind & collection of minds.

Some of the stuff I just have to fast forward, especially that 'comedian' guy who looks FAR too much like that ULTRA smarmy, smug & pretentious Russell Brand guy.

I kept thinking it actually was him with an extra bit of make up & a fuller beard. BOTH equally obnoxious, can't stand to hear ONE LINE from either. Having to fast forward every scene with Himesh Patel in, not wanting to take the risk that it actually WAS Russell Brand. Some of these characters are truly dreadful, and dreadfully played.

The Producers MUST have thought WHO can we get that IS the most obnoxious, cast them with that main criteria in mind, not their acting ability.

Russell Brand would have been ideal being both extremely obnoxious AND having little acting talent, certainly NO comedic talent as per this Himesh Patel geezer.

Must have wanted a washed up so called comedian that BRAND fitted the bill entirely. Maybe just not available, or didn't want to do it, hence the 3rd fiddle Patel nobody instead, Brand would have been ideal.

Though the Producers must have known &/or feared that viewers knowing HE was it would have AVOIDED the show ALL TOGETHER!!.

Maybe this Patel guy being just usually an actor anyway, I'll look forward to never seeing him ever again, ff'd in this series and AVOIDED in any other productions he is in.

This episode review started out a 3, now thinking about it hardly worth just 2. Yes there are funny parts within this episode & previous 8, though the science of it and mainly some of the CRINGE WORTHY lines, that are far too vile, too deranged & depraved for my liking.

So a more wacky Sci-fi Orville than the Orville. That is taking far too long to come out as a new series 3. Folks have gotten COLD about it by now Seth Macfarlane.

You blew it smug toady, you blew that a while ago, people move on from even what they like, either it is available or they move on in their viewing habit life & other more important matters in their lives, in these trying days. PLENTY of other stuff to see.

OK then, just 2 stars for this episode, overall for the entire season 1 maybe a higher star rating. Though not being a fan of Hugh Laurie, not one bit I have been impressed with him & Mr Neelix is shown he is versatile as well.

It is what it is, some half hour sci-fi comedic bum fluff, though a little bit too nasty at times, unnecessarily so, maybe 'sickened up', sick minded up!!, for its intended AMERICAN audience... "suits you sir".
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