Review of Out

Out (1978)
Deceptively Tame.
6 January 2022
Out has a similar premise to Get Carter except the main character here is upsetting the underworld's status quo by trying to find the people responsible for getting him locked up. You never know how far the character of Frank Ross will go when he tracks these people down and that adds to the suspense. Perhaps I was adding that on my own because in Get Carter, Carter simply murders almost everyone involved in his brother's death.

There is alot of implied violence and near violence but ultimately only two or three characters get shot and one dies from an accident. If you watch it, you think it gets far more violent than it does but it is actually very tame for this kind of entertainment.

The ending is deliberately open ended but such is life. The resolution is never 100% resolved. I don't know if a sequel was planned. Trivia here claims Bell was offered a sequel but declined but I like that it ends a little open ended.

I thought the entire cast was excellent. I never saw Brian Croucher in as a sympathetic role as this playing Frank's financially broken best friend. Brian Cox is everything you'd expect as the sociopathic mobster. He has bright yellow hair which strangely works for the character. It is difficult to not notice the character. Tom Bell is of course the star as Frank Ross. You really are guessing how far he will go in finding answers and what he will do when he gets there. Enigmatic.

Sure, this can be considered dated but I imagine people say the same about Long Good Friday, and Get Carter. I don't mind it. This was a great mini series I had trouble shaking from my mind when it was over. Only the original Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Fear, The Wire and Breaking Bad had that effect on me after it was over. There is no higher compliment for a TV drama.
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