Kill 'Em All (2017)
Overstuffed For A Cheap Direct-to-dvd Action Flick
29 December 2021
Usually Van Damme is decent in most of these low-budget Direct-to-dvd flicks & I've said before that he puts in the most effort with acting wise with his films even if they are cheap productions but here Van Damme is half-assed & who could blame him? Still Van Damme often makes better action B-movies than Willis, Seagal, Snipes & Lundgren.

Van Damme is an action legend i grew up watching & loving & even those he's now basically a B-movie star, i still watch his new films because i like the dude & consider him an actor that meant alot to me growing up.

"Kill 'Em All" is another cheap flick but for a low-budget B-movie it's totally overstuffed with story. Usually people complain about B-movies not really caring about the story as long as it delivers on all the other stuff but here it would've been better to have concentrated on the other stuff. We get an action thriller type about an injured security specialist named Philip (an exhausted Van Damme) who turns up at a quiet hospital on a lovely Sunday morning & he's very injured with slices & a head wound & a nurse starts to help him when a bunch of black suited, foreign bad guys show up to finish off Van Damme. Now this part is ok but then we get constant flash backs to what happened at the hospital by an interview with the survivor nurse & two F. B. I agents interrogating her but which gets very annoying very quickly & on top of the interrogating scenes we lots of flashbacks for each of the villains & for Van Damme's Philip character & all of this while still trying to show the action in the hospital!!! It's trying to be too smart but doesn't have the budget to do it properly or the scale to tell it all. We get really cheap scenes from Philips childhood in the early 80's but no production design or detail put into it because they didn't have the money to do it so why bother? The flick is way overstuffed with origin stories & flashbacks for it to even be slightly fun at all. Kill 'Em All should've been a fun Action Thriller with a game of cat & mouse throughout the hospital like Wesley Snipes Direct-to-dvd flick GAME OF DEATH, which i really enjoyed but no here it's trying to be a long dramatic movie with big origin stories & events of political wars & ethnic cleansing & Assassin's & it's a huge dull & boring mess. Also Van Damme cannot be bothered here.
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