Eastwood's Finest Film - A Future Classic
19 December 2021
I'm not a fan of drama's, I watch film for escapism. But I do make few exceptions and in rare cases they pay off, Million Dollar Baby is a fine example of this, it tells the story of a young woman who has a big dream to become the best at boxing. Sounds cliché doesn't it? Yet, Eastwood gives a lesson in film-making, driven by a performance from Swank that has been burned into my mind for the foreseeable future. Swank's character Maggie Fitzgerald slowly grows into a capable fighter, but the fights feel like the side-story in this film about discovering how hard life can hit you(quoting Rocky here seems fitting). I cannot remember a film ending that hit me harder, I wept for a good few minutes and considering I'm not a fan of drama's and am pretty dried eyed, this should give you an idea of what to expect. But nothing will prepere you for this journey through the vivid and heart-breaking story of a young girl trying to make it. Supported by a strong cast including the man behind the scenes and legendary Freeman. This film is a must watch for anyone asking "how could it be worse?" Eastwood is about to give you a run for your money. I feel like movies like this will be missed, Cinemas are being flooded with superhero films, makes me wonder, Has the film industry taken a wrong turn? Sure an action-flick is great escape, but it feels so hollow when you see perferfomences like Swanks. Imagine being a fan of film and not knowing about this? I envy you, theres few films that gave me the whiplash that MDB did. Fewer even with a lead that gave me goosebumps. It's a shame that Swanks talent's are being wasted lately, as she's an actress that deserves better.
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