Review of Inmates

The Walking Dead: Inmates (2014)
Season 4, Episode 10
Poor Judith
11 December 2021
Different members of the prison group find themselves in precarious situations after the loss of a secure environment.

This is a good episode that sets the scene for the second half of series 4 and presents some fairly suspenseful moments.

There is no central focus as it shows us events from the perspective of the smaller groups and partnerships formed since the fall of the prison. This involves some necessary establishment character location and well-being. Although sporadic, these scenes link well together.

Some moments are quite suspenseful. Easily the most disturbing involve the baby Judith, who is at one point placed in the care of someone for the obvious purpose of making the audience gasp. You feel like telling the person who makes this decision that she'd probably be safer with a zombie. This scene ends in somewhat of a plot contrivance but it does make for some compelling character dynamics in future episodes.

This episode, along with the previous one and numerous others, makes you think about the child characters and how their personalities are being shaped by the extraordinary circumstances depicted by the 'The Walking Dead'.

Other events involving the separated Glenn and Maggie are very good. Lauren Cohan and Steven Yeun lead these scenes well with strong performances.

As ever the visuals are excellent with great cinematography, editing and gruesome zombie effects.
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