Succession (2018–2023)
It started out as a 10...
22 November 2021 season 1,

Stellar cast, top notch production quality, and a very interesting premise - kind of the Hollywood take on the Murdoch family.

However, now in season 3, the fatal flaw of the show has become very apparent.

It seems both writers and production are so hung up, on presenting "fictional Murdoch and his family" in such a bad light, that not a single character in the show has any redeeming qualities, whatsoever, nor is there any significant development of any of said characters... they have become perpetual caricatures.

So by now the show is simply going nowhere... they are all still fighting over the same thing, and nobody learns anything nor changes, in any way shape or form.

It renders the show entirely without purpose, except as a social commentary on the decadence of "the very rich"... and we all got that message in season 1, so perpetuating it is both uninteresting and lacking creativity.

I had high hopes for this one, but have stopped watching it, simply because the story no longer has purpose.
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