The Amazing Race (2001– )
Interesting idea, bad execution
7 November 2021
The idea is interesting and intriguing but the way they execute this idea is very lacking.

First, the edit is pretty bad. It's impossible to focus on any of the teams and impossible to tell who is leading, who is behind until the very end. The edit is extremely confusing and impossible to follow. The way they edit the contest looks like they just randomly put together some clip montage like in 80s movies.

Second, the rules of the game are never clearly explained. The viewer never knows what's allowed and what's not allowed. For example there are many cases where someone clearly breaks rules or even engages in illegal activities in order to ahead and it seems to be allowed. Are you allowed to push and shove people in the airports? Are you allowed to steal other people's cabs? Are you allowed to drive well above the speed limit or causing traffic accidents by driving recklessly?

Third, a HUGE part of whether you win or lose is luck. Two different teams call a cab, one of their cab drivers seems to know exactly where to go while the other team's cab driver turns out to be a scammer that just drives them around all day to get their money. How are teams supposed to know which cab drivers are good and which ones are bad? It's all pure luck.

Fourth, contestants are supposed to solve puzzles in order to proceed to the next level but they NEVER show how contestants are actually solving each puzzle. They just show the beginning and end of each puzzle so you don't see how the story develops, you just get to see as each team finally finishes their part of the puzzle.

Fifth, there are way too many equalizers in the game to make it unfair. Every time a team gets way ahead of everyone else, they get punished in a way to ensure that everyone else catches up to them, such as making the next task not available until the next day so the leading team now has to wait for everyone else to arrive or all that drama in the airlines.
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