Well executed with the bonus of Mike Rowe's voice
29 October 2021
Overall this show is excellent if you appreciate space documentaries, and Mike Rowe is always amazing to hear. It's not quite as good as PBS' SpaceTime, but nothing I know of gives that much info in such a short time. They bring in quite a few experts, although it seems as if they press them to be funny and not too serious. I really wish they weren't afraid to use a little math in the show??? At times it can be repetitive, like they'll cover the same topic over and over, sadly it seems the science cant keep pace with the TV shows to give enough content each season. It is nice when they cover new items such as gravitational waves...or update past topics with new information. The visuals while impressive do come off as a bit contrived and over the top at times, but that's become the standard practice (even by NASA) to make space look a lot more colorful and active than it really is.
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