Love it. This is how humans are meant to have sex.
21 October 2021
This show is extremely well done. People love to hate on goop for no reason except they're not ready to hear the information they'redelivering. If you've never dabbled into spirituality this show can still be for you but it's easier if you're already familiar with certain aspects.

I would have loved to see a couple with two male identifying people, because especially the gay community is so riddled with oversexualization and fixation on genitals. This show could've helped the community even more with showing a different route to gay sex. I love that they had two lesbian couples and talked about same sex experiences. I was just missing representation where I feel it is needed the most. The gay men that still need healing from their shame, healing from being reduced to a penis or a hole or the plain emotionally abuse going on for short term sexual gratification.

Overall I really enjoyed this and I want more more more. I definetly learned a lot of new things and my perspectives have been shifted and in some aspects solidified.
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