12 September 2021
I usually like these kind of movies, the heist/con genre, but to pull it off you need a good script and, more importantly, charismatic leads to make it all seem cool. The Sting, The Thomas Crown Affair, Ocean's Eleven, they all had that intangible that made them really cool and fun movies to watch. This movie lacks that charisma that makes these classics so much fun. It makes it feel boring to be a thief, and it tries hard to be cool, but, as someone wiser once said, you don't try to be cool, you either are or are not, and, unfortunately, Theo James is no Paul Newman. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on this film as it still has its charm and some good character actors that I really like, such as Fred Melamed that is always wonderful or Isiah Whitlock Jr. It is an enjoyable watch and I wasn't mad at the screen, but the main flaw is that it is ultimately very forgettable.
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