Penitent (2021)
12 September 2021
This film moved me and reminded me of the mental trauma that our servicemen and women endure as part of their everyday job. It is easy to forget the heartache, horror, anxiety, loneliness, anger, confusion, self-doubt, sadness, and, of course, ultimately, the fear that military personnel live with all of the time. We forget because these people are professionals and just get on with the job they signed up to do. But we must never forget. And this powerful film tells us why. As ex military myself, I know only too well that many servicemen and women do not share their experiences because they find it too difficult. This why a film like "Penitent" is important because it is their voice, a voice that needs to be heard. It also made me think a lot more about being too judgmental and pausing to consider the reasons behind other people's behaviour.. Congratulations on a job well done! Full marks for the music score too!
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