Review of 19 Down

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: 19 Down (2008)
Season 9, Episode 9
Hodges!***!!! What can be done about him?
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The bulk of the script, all the busyness around the D&J Killer, seemed to me to be largely noise. It served three extraneous purposes: to set up for Grissom's impending exit, to introduce Nate Haskell who will become a recurring character, and to introduce Ray Langston who will become a member of the team. These are all important dramatic functions. However, what I took away as the heart of the story was the two brief scenes near the start showing the different reactions of Hodges and Wendy Simms to Grissom's announcement of his departure. Wendy's was one of generosity and gratitude, while Hodges' behaviour showed him (again) to be acutely self-centred and entitled - a completely insensitive narcissist. Liz Vassey may have little difficulty in projecting Wendy's character - I suspect it's very close to her own. (Although I'm sure she pours her energy into it.) The optimism, the acceptance of others, the joy in life, it comes through. And what else would you expect of someone who co-runs a funny T-shirt company? But Hodges...? What do we do with him? Wallace Langham, I'm sure, is nothing like Hodges and it is a tribute to his acting ability that we have accepted his portrayal of such a loathsome character, albeit highly intelligent and capable in his job. I think the steam is building up in the pressure cooker. The audience can only take so much of a really obnoxious character before they revolt by ceasing to watch. The writers need to find some way to rehabilitate Hodges (or take him out in a villainous attack... terrorist bomb in the Trace Lab, anyone?) Anyway, bottom line for me, Wendy Simms has become one of the girders supporting the team structure, and Hodges needs either a Damascene conversion or to be nuked.
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