Well done with good acting and a solid story
1 September 2021
I know the people in this movie. And the actors the Extraordinary Ordinary made me feel like I knew them as well. We all deal with life's traumas in different ways, but in the end we are not an island - we need people to help us through. Lead actress Maddison Bullock (Erica) is extraordinarily appealing, and the actors surrounding her are all quite good. In this viewer's opinion, the color is washed out, especially toward the beginning of the movie. This may have been an intentional metaphor, as Erica is leading trying to heal an emotional trauma and sealing herself off from the potential vibrancy of a full life, but if this is the case, it could have been handled differently. Movies are a visual medium after all, and adjusting the color and contrast would have made the film far better looking. That said, this a well done Indie with solid production values, a touching story, and good direction.
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