Leave of Absence (1994 TV Movie)
A very satisfying 90's domestic drama
28 August 2021
After a couple of false starts with films that bored the life out of me on a Friday night, I stumbled upon this old gem on Prime. I love the 80s/90s love affairs- turned-obsessive films and old Lifetime movies, it's my go to comfort genre. This was not a stalker type of affair, but a domestic drama with a solid marriage unexpectedly rocked. What is it about these older films that are so easy and clean cut- a basic, everyday life kind of storyline, no frills or fuss. Good solid acting. The actors are so convincing they may as well be the character. You also get the warm and fuzzy nostalgic feeling (although someone's marriage is falling apart, sorry) of simpler times. I found this satisfying and perfect to watch with the fireplace on and a warm mug of tea.
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