The Saint: The Ex-King of Diamonds (1969)
Season 6, Episode 17
More comedic than usual, but not bad
3 August 2021
RavenGlam clearly is not from the era in which The Saint (with Roger Moore) was born. I'm curious: has Raven ever seen another episode?

Yes, this is the 6th and last season.....and yes, some of these episodes are more tiring than others; and I suppose that the plots can start to seem repetitive.....

......But I still love them all (well, almost all). Prefer the black and white seasons most, but this Ex-King had me kicked back with a smile on my face......even with (or because of) the lack of any real excitement.

I love Moore's Saint, and don't believe I've seen more than or two that would necessitate as scathing a review as RavenGlam put forth.
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