Mathu Vadalara (I) (2019)
THE BEST and MOST number of conflicts for any thriller in WORLD CINEMA, I REPEAT WORLD CINEMA with direction skills LIKE NEVER BEFORE.
25 June 2021
Mathu Vadalara (2019) : Brief Review -

THE BEST and MOST number of conflicts for any thriller in WORLD CINEMA, I REPEAT WORLD CINEMA with direction skills LIKE NEVER BEFORE. When i wrote those adjectives in capital, believe me i was shouting those words. The film had such impact on me that i want to scream loudly and tell everybody to watch this film. Holy smoke! What a crazy ride it was. OMG! These reactions are coming out practically, i mean verbally while i type it. How many conflicts can one thriller movie have? How much do you expect? Four? Five? Or max six or seven, right? I mean any smart narrative can hold that much only otherwise it would become a mess. Now just imagine, you see this much conflicts by the time film reaches at interval point. What will be your reaction? I was like, what??? They have many more twists coming? I mean it's just a half show till now? And it felt like i have seen double number of twists than any other Classic thriller can provide and that too just in the first half? This thought is still giving me shocks. I can't believe it. How on earth any film can have this much twists and still save half of its bag for second half. And then in second half it reaches to next level and then the Climax, BOOM..! I was like, somebody stop them man. They are delivering twists in every 5-10 minutes. Every single actor in the film has done justice to the role. Background music, vfx, cinematography, dialogues everything is AMAZING.. Hey, Ritesh Rana, are you a human? I mean seriously how did you make something freaking amazing, unbelievable like this? What a mind-blowing direction this guy has given to the excellent writting. Comedy, humour, presentation everything is of next level for Indian Audience. This is a Must Watch material for International Audience. That daily soap spoof was so hilarious, BESTEST! Hundreds of kisses to Rana. Missing this Cult Film is a CRIME, get that?

RATING - 8.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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