The Djinn (2021)
No Burn
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Visually this movie certainly has some nice moments but the complete lack of really getting to know anyone in this movie besides the one big event that has traumatised the main character makes it really hard to develop any attachment to anyone at all. The young actor does a good enough job to deliver on what little he has to work with but there is this one scene that's just so ridiculously poorly written:

*** Spoiler In one of the many cat and mouse scenes the boy finds something to spray the assailant in the eyes with but neither of them move straight after. The boy then starts to slowly walk backwards only to crack a picture frame with his bare feet which lets the Djinn know he's in the room with the boy. But he already knew that. There isn't any reason why the Djinn wouldn't be trying to wail at he boy, they were in the same room in the exact same spot before the boy sprayed the Djinn in the eyes. Like, you cannot betray your presence when the enemy already knows exactly where you are. Come onnnn. If I don't stop cringing, please inform my family and loved ones what did me in. /Spoiler***

This is like an uninspired Wishmaster but with all the fun stripped entirely from it and although I can appreciate a way more dramatic approach on the Djinn mythology, at least let us get to know the family from before the traumatic events happen so we can get invested in them.
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