Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Lessons (2002)
Season 7, Episode 1
Promises a season 7 that doesn't quite happen
6 May 2021
Season 7 bungles a lot of things, and that starts here, with Willow basically getting to go to a scenic "magic rehab" in the English countryside after murdering Warren last season. More and more the show is just letting characters off the hook for doing terrible things. I think in storytelling terms this is called "wanting to have your cake and eat it, too." Which is a dumb expression.

Apart from that, I really dig "Lessons". I like the idea of Dawn forming her own Scooby squad and solving high school mysteries. I don't think it should have become the focus of the show, but as a consistent B-story, it would have been a fun return to form, amidst the unrelenting serialized bleakness with the First and all the surrounding business that follows. I missed Sunnydale High, dammit. I want to spend more time there. And I think Principal Wood--who I very much enjoy as a late introduction to the series--would have been better served in that capacity of generally benevolent/mysterious/knows-more-than-he-lets-on overseer, rather than joining the main gang and becoming a romantic interest.

Also...Buffy herself. These days she's so angst-ridden, so tormented. "Lessons" gives her a lot of fun and endearing moments, like worrying about mom-hair. We won't see lighthearted, resilient Buffy for a long time after this.
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