Heute stirbt hier (K)ainer (2021 TV Movie)
Massive failure from pretty much every perspective
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a German movie that premiered tonight on prime time on national television and the title of these 1.5 hours is a little play on words that is perhaps still better than everything else about thie outcome here, but then again it is also a bit of a shameless copy of Terence Hill's Nobody title(s). For writer and director Maria-Anna Westholzer it was the very first career effort and it's difficult to start a career on a lower level. Her co-writer Proehl is even more to blame because he is the experienced one. Lead actor Martin Wuttke is somewhat famous, but never been big on him and he did not win me over here either. Same applies to everybody else. Some pretty familiar names and faces here. This is where your GEZ money goes, folks. I thought this was a weak watch throughout and sometimes downright terrible. The weakest moments probably were when this film joined in with the general climate of political correctness and propaganda when showing us racist cops and smart Black men. This refers to the scene early on in the train, but also when said fella is shot and kinda rises from the dead like Jesus seconds later. The wisdom that followed out of his mouth was even more embarrassing. The film also hit rock bottom with the scenes at the pub. Take the moment we see these old folks have guns with them (that is okay of course, but the NRA is evil) or the early knife throwing contest supposed to show us how tough Wuttke's character is. For the female viewers, this film has the usual flawed, but dedicated single mom that the protagonist falls for (the scene when he asks her to come with him for a walk is especially bad) and every other male character wants to be with as well. How desirable! The boy who plays her son was also especially bad to watch, even if his writing was horrible too. He is a good kid of course because he saved the main character from killing himself. He may have killed a cock this way, but hey the bad guy shoots a dozen cows later on. I personally thought the outcome here was on the usual level with ARD films these days. Pretty much unwatchable and it's always embarrassing when these folks try to come up with gritty crime sequences. One of many examples there was the elaboration on why a single bullet very early on. About as bad as the occasional clumsy take on comedy. Hardly any character here made sense. As a consequence, they were also not likable. A mess from beginning to end gets the worst possible rating from me. Highly not recommended.
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