Maybe Not For Some People, but Great Film
23 March 2021
There's always someone who assumes that just because you love a movie, and they don't, you're clearly wrong and they're right. This movie has a lot of high scores because a lot of people loved it, as I did. Our opinions are no less valid than those who couldn't appreciate what these filmmakers did so well. Hey, it's all just people giving their opinions, but don't discount the many great reviews because someone thought it was fair. If you're in the right "demo", you're going to love this movie. It's not a "big" movie, or a "fancy" movie, but it's very well-observed, incredibly well-acted, and well-written. This film's story feels lived in. The writer clearly went through this kind of thing in her life, and if you're of a certain age, and you've been through this type of thing, you're going to really relate to this movie, and dare I say, love it too. These stories, for this audience, aren't told very often--certainly not by Hollywood--and when they are, they're not told very well; certainly not as truthfully as you'll find here. My advice: if this story sounds even remotely interesting to you, then watch it. You'll be very glad you did!
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