The Walking Dead: TS-19 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6
Season 1
22 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, first off, I'm finding myself rewatching the Walking dead mainly out of curiosity. I used to like it but eventually stopped watching and heard it got terrible. I want to rewatch and see for myself. If you like this review, stay tuned for more reviews of each season until I stop watching.

For those interested and who have read this far, this will be a review of the finale and the season as a whole.

The first few episodes Were surprising. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed the pilot episode. I loved that it was a slower, more suspenseful episode straight into the apocalypse that sparked my curiosity. It also had a very likable father and son, which I was a little disappointed not seeing the rest of the season. It also had moments that surprised and brought smiles to my face army of zombies in the city. The second episode was also fun, having to escape the zombie-infested city only to return a few episodes later 😩. It also introduced the very colorful Merle, unrealistic but fun and felt a little like a comic/game character, along with some new characters. The rest of the episodes are good but a mixed bag. I like certain things like the very cliche vatos, only for them to be sweethearts running a nursing home, but I thought it was lame that a couple of episodes after leaving, they came back just for them to be gone and zombies attack the camp. The episode count was also a mixed bag having it be a quick, enjoyable binge-worthy season but sacrificing pacing and character. The characters would probably be my biggest problem with the show so far. I like certain characters, but others are killed off before I can start to care. For example, two characters who were more fleshed out and given a lot of screen time were only in the first episode. I mean, I didn't even get to know or remember some of the characters in the family who left. As much as I like Rick, he is very one-dimensional, which isn't a good thing to notice after six episodes. I like most of the characters, but I can see this being a more significant issue as time goes on.

The finale was surprisingly engaging to me. I heard some people complain about how slow it felt, which I can agree with but was refreshing after how fast-paced most of the season was. The problem I had was how rushed it felt getting to the facility. First off, the scientist was funny, relatable, and sympathetic. His speeches about the outbreak were riveting and bleak. The survivors trying to escape had tension, but unfortunately, I didn't care all that much about the nice lady who stayed or Andrea trying to kill herself. It was a good finale but, it had me questioning how the show got there so fast, which is never good.

The overall season was good; other than some pacing and character issues, it was a binge-worthy television season that accomplished what it needed to.

Favorite Episode: Days Gone Bye Least Favorite Episode: Wildfire Season rating: 7.6.
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