Wow! So Allen Fans Stick Together...
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This low rating is either: a. Woody Allen fans (much like MJ fans) who cannot abide the truth Or b. Paid for poor reviews

Dylan, gets an opportunity to tell her story. Yet the facts, images, interviews and documents are all "lies"? I was about 6-7 when Allen started dating his adopted step daughter and thought 'that's weird? If he was her dad EVEN IF adopted when she was a kid, why would he want to date her? Then at 7-8 when Allen filed for custody, I remember thinking 'no that guy is gross! I don't care what people say about his movies'. We owned a chain of movie stores, so film was a big part of my upbringing in NYC. However I always found Allen in all his films as child as someone who made me uncomfortable. If as a kid I didn't like him and questioned his behavior then as a adult I'm pretty much the same. I'm just appalled at every 1 star review for this doc. Because it just goes to show that, you'd rather live on fantasy island because the truth about an artist you respect and admire is too much. I loved Michael Jackson, however I (and I'm realizing this support of victims may be grounded in the mere fact that I was a victim of sexual assault as a child so it explains a lot) remember as a child thinking, 'no! How could you do that to a kid who loves you!?'. Then when "Finding Neverland" was released I was a puddle, but I was able to understand and support those victims despite my love of his music. In any case this doc, is amazing! Because believe it or not Allen still made films into the 2000s! He wasn't cancelled and he should've been. It was easier for his fans to believe the Mia Farrow jealous ex-wife narrative then to believe a child's experience at the hands of her father. I'm still sidelined at how many people labeled this docuseries a "hit-job!". However it isn't, it's a presentation of facts and stories from witnesses and family friends. If you love Allen enough to still support him, then you know... go, find him and you all can ship yourselves to an islands and live happily ever after. Be sure to bring your children if you have any. Since he's completely trustworthy.
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