High-Ballin' (1978)
Worthwhile 70's drive-in trucker action thriller
16 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fiercely independent trucker Duke (a lively and engaging performance by Jerry Reed) and his equally free-spirited biker buddy Rane (a solid and likeable portrayal by Peter Fonda) square off against a gang of thug hijackers who are all working for corrupt trucking magnate King Carroll (smoothly played by Chris Wiggins). Sassy gal Pickup (an appealing turn by Helen Shaver) helps the guys out.

Director Peter Carter relates the enjoyable and engrossing story at a steady pace, maintains a tough'n'serious tone throughout, makes nice use of the desolate wintry Canadian landscape, and stages several exciting action set pieces with skill and flair. Reed and Fonda display a pleasing and utterly charming natural chemistry in the lead roles. Moreover, the bad guys are really rough customers (David Ferry in particular is a perfectly hateful stand-out as the vicious Harvey), which substantially raises the stakes and hence gives this film a considerable amount of additional weight and tension. An on the money movie.
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