Little historical background
12 February 2021
This film becomes a story that mislead peopl's vision of the situation in Mexico. The Mexican Revolution had started in 1910 and after the 1917 constitution the situation was becoming almost normal. However, the Presidential power remained strong and with little checks and balances. President Plutarco Díaz Calles in his short term used some constitutional laws repressed freedom of cult to the very limit.Historians point to his past as an unrecognized child in the eyes of the Catholic church. The guerras cristeras were rebellions in some of the Mexican states, fighting for freedom or Christian traditions. They were over by 1929: the next prseident cancelled the abusive laws and an agreement was soon reached. The overall situation in the country is not reflected by this film. While the 1929 Wall Street Crash led most counties to the Dark thirties, with increasing poverty and dictatorships, Mexico's society, on the contrary, grew even more stable, economically sound, socially advanced and living in in justice. The film openly hides the whole process. You can see the forest for the trees.
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