Ready or Not (1993–1997)
1...2...3...4..5...6...Ready or Not...
8 February 2021
A beautiful show. A perfect show. One of a kind show.

There was Degrassi then there was Ready or Not. I was very young during the 90s so this show didn't affect me in any way. As I got older the show made so much sense.

Back when Youtube was cool. Youtube had all the episodes. I binged them all. The show was so good. The nostalgia overload prevents me from watching it again.

I got to watch these girls literally play themselves, grow and watch the families go through issues from trying on bras to divorce to going to college. It was a very nicely done show.

The show is mainly about 2 girls that are opposite of each other that are friends. Both deal with situations different and both respect each other for it. They go through home problems, dating, racism, school and job problems. Each episode is 30minutes long, and they are able to tell enough show to be satisfied. Some episodes don't have an ultimate conclusion. Some episode problems carry on, others just fade away naturally.

Despite the 2 girls being polar opposites both had a great unique chemistry. Nothing in this show seemed force. It had a mellow pacing that told a lot of stories.

I'm a dude and I enjoyed this show. I liked it because of the story, development and most important the nostalgia of looking at Toronto back in those days. Not only that, but I miss it.

Colour feel: Grey with a touch of light.

Overall, A lovely show that young children can learn from. The issues may seem outdated because they don't have cellphones. Nevertheless, they go through the same problems young children go through today.

Verdict: Here Life comes
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