The Foreigner (I) (2017)
Typical and Refreshing at the Same Time
1 February 2021
In some ways, this was a typical thriller ... not in a derivative way, but you know, one of those thrillers that keeps you invested and curious about the mystery and what will happen next. It was like other thrillers in that way, but didn't throw you for a loop.

But it was refreshing at the same time because of a few choices made. There are two parallel plots: the one that ends up getting more screen time is the one involving an Irish politician; and the one that we start with and is the emotional core is the plot of the Foreigner.

It's the Irish politician plot (catch the bombers) that is your typical thriller; throw in the Foreigner plot, you get something unique. The Foreigner plays a major role in driving the catch-the-bombers plot forward, but he is a total wild card, and he's a total outsider, which in an of itself is very relevant to the politics of the situation unfolding.

There was also a little bit of political intrigue that was quite fascinating.

This was a little bit of an unusual role for Jackie Chan. He is still an action hero, but he is playing a much older man who is worn out. But he's still a total bad***.
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