Pollyanna (1960)
Surprisingly Holds Your Attention
16 January 2021
I thought I might get bored with a film from the 1960s. But I did love this book as a child. I was surprised at how engaged I stayed with the film despite how slow and long it was, because there really was a delightful feel about it. It takes place in a charming white little New England town which wasn't the happiest of places, but was far removed from all the real ugliness of the country in its time so it seemed very charming.

While I don't remember the book in great detail, I remember enough to know the movie veered off quite a bit from the book. While the spirit of Pollyanna's character, the Glad Game, and winning over every grumpy person in the town stayed intact, the "mystery" (for lack of a better word) at the heart of the plot was chucked out. And I must say I prefer (my memory of) the book after all.
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