20 December 2020
It's a well-written children's show. And if I were eight, I'd probably have rated it considerably higher. Or if it were being recommended to me by 8 year olds, or FOR 8 year olds. What's baffling is the number of adults recommending this to other adults, as if it weren't a children's show.

I gave it an honest effort. I got most of the way through the first season, very nearly to the end, because multiple people had told me it gets SO GOOD. But really, it's a children's show. It may get good for a children's show, but as an adult it has virtually no appeal. The protagonists are annoying children, who do the same annoying crap every episode. The antagonist is an annoying child, who does the same annoying crap every episode. Mako is an absolute delight as the uncle, but that's like saying the ocean was wet. Mako is ALWAYS a win. He is a goddamned national treasure. Mako aside though (and I am starting to feel like a broken record), it is a children's show. There is absolutely nothing in this for adults, unless it is the nostalgia for young adults who watched this and fell in love with it WHEN THEY WERE CHILDREN.

So if you watched this as a child and loved it, apparently it really holds up and you'll probably love it again. If you're a child, for god's sake stop reading this review and go watch it. I'm sure it's fantastic. However, if you're an adult being told by other adults that this is SO GOOD, do yourself a favor and ignore them. It's a children's show, there's nothing in it you'll enjoy.
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