Nice Cinematography
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It uses all the typical misdirection, like showing a beached whale, and then saying that plastic killed it. It shows beautiful blue whales, and then immediately shows garbage in the ocean, to make the viewer think that the blue whales were swimming through the garbage, when the truth is that the filming was done in totally different locations.

Then the movie blames US land fills for ocean pollution, but moves on to the countries that are the real threats. Model data is used to scare the viewer, which is the modern cliche to scare anyone about anything, even though most models are always wrong.

They even make a baby bird vomit up what it's eaten, and then they don't even give it a meal to replace the damage they've done to it. 😟

The film does get a lot, right. There is a plastic problem in our oceans today, along with plastic problems in many places other than the ocean. These problems are easy to solve with biotechnology and other means.

The real problem is that tyrannical, totalitarian, and corrupt governments prevent people from being able to use the plethora of solutions that are available, and that is something that won't be changing for the better, anytime soon.

Also, let's not forget that it was environmentalists that forced everyone to switch to plastic bags from paper bags, because they wanted to "save trees." 🤔

The film starts off with the usual scare tactics, but ends well.
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