The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 Review:

Who would have suspected that season two would be such an improvement over it's first season, The Mandalorian is the hope we needed in a year full of disappointments. Great story building complemented by stunning visuals and a wild character arc is exactly the breath of fresh this universe needed. This is coming from someone who's had doubts ever since Disney took over this universe, never been so happy to be proven wrong. I guess we will not being seeing much of Grogu in the next season but I am curios to see where his charchter will go in the future seasons, I heard rumors that he might become the next villain of the series, I'm hoping there just rumors at this point but time will tell. Reeding Peyton Reed's name as the credits rolled came as a bit of a shock, I was certian that this was directed by Jon Favreau as it had his art style and directon all over it(although it was written by him).

Season Finale Review: Nobody could have prepered me for that, the build-up to that ended in the climax reaching it's peak. I feel like everthing that needed be said is already being covered by the reviews, I do want to talk about something that I loved and didn't really hear much talk about, which is the soundtrack, it gave me chills. Litarell chills. The Dubstep/Electro vibe it gave off when the Dark Troopers invaded the ship was nothing short of epic.
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