Gold Digger (2019)
"Marriage means Benjamin gets half of everything"
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Gold digger is a six-part mini-series that focuses on a wealthy sixty-year-old woman named Julia who falls in love with a much younger man named Benjamin. Julia's children are less than impressed with their Mothers choice of partner as they are convinced that he is a gold digger.

The main story revolves around Julia and Ben's relationship and how Julia's adult children Patrick, Della and Leo are hostile and disapproving towards Ben while he is trying to win them over. However, they each have their secrets which get uncovered as the series progresses.

Gold Digger is interesting because it delivers realism with the characters having diverse and different lifestyles. They each show their demons of depression and alcoholism, are abusive to their significant others and indulge in acts of adultery.

The Acting was more than admirable. Julia Ormond was the standout but Ben Barnes, Sebastian Armesto, Jemima Rooper and Archie Renaux demonstrated fantastic support roles and played their characters with great determination and depth.

There are however some big negative points about this series that slightly outweigh the good in the show. This is quite a slow-paced drama with a lack of action or suspense. It has a poor climax after a fairly intriguing build-up. And finally, there is nothing that blows you out of the water when personal affairs and dark secrets are uncovered.

The finale was extremely frustrating and a bit of a letdown to the series as a whole which makes you feel empty and unfulfilled. As for the big finale we learnt of Ben's dark past and that in his youth he had covered for his sibling by killing an unsuspecting shopkeeper. At the time his brother was an adult and he would have faced a much more serious sentence if convicted.

There wasn't any big reveal or obvious hints if Ben was a gold digger and Julia's flashbacks turned out to be as you can suspect quite early on in the show which is Julia being physically and mentally abused by a mysterious person which is a surprise, surprise turns out to be her ex-husband.

I'd still give this show a slight thumbs up as the first five episodes did keep you wanting to know more. But this had the potential to turn into something better. I hope they would continue with a second series as there are many questions unanswered starting with the blatantly obvious is Ben after Julia's wealth?

But I think you are meant to imply many of these answers for yourself and so I felt that the season finale while having a somewhat happy ending left me feeling unsatisfied and like I deserved more.

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