Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967)
10 December 2020
"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" was a fantastic watch. Tackling the "issue" of interracial marriage at this time couldn't have been an easy feat. Hepburn and Tracy's performances were amazing, and truly convincing. The performance given by Sydney Poitier is nothing short of phenomenal, and it comes at no surprise. The social questions that this film raises during the time it was released in the United States were incredibly important, and while the film definitely has it's moments that don't hold up in our current social climate, the message of love being love no matter who it is between is something that can still be taught today. The editing of the film felt very well done as well, not a single scene felt out of place or poorly paced. Overall I really enjoyed this film, even if it does tend to show it's age at some points. I would recommend it even if only to see Hepburn and Tracy's acting performance!
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