Weary River (1929)
At the end of this story, Jerry's life is nearly . . .
4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . ruined by a uniformed cop who attempts to detain him from a happily-ever-after climax with his True Love merely because he's running down the sidewalk at night in a three-piece suit. Though it's never spelled out here in exactly WHICH U.S. city WEARY RIVER commences and concludes, I think that it must be San Diego, CA. Why? Because a while back a couple of S.D.P.D. detectives arrested ME for running along a sidewalk in broad daylight wearing a two-piece suit! After man-handling me, clipping on hand cuffs, tossing me into the back seat of their sedan and then driving aimlessly about town for the better part of an hour, they gave me a jay-walking ticket, returned my I.D. and left me stranded in a seedy part of this City without Mercy 2,000 miles from my home. Nobody ever mailed me the promised follow-up explanation, or even bothered to cash the check I sent in to pay the fine for ambling-while-male in San Diego. Needless to say, this unwarranted police abduction during the lunch hour of a key business convention ultimately cost me my job, my career, my financial well-being and the where-with-all to survive the pestilent scourge in whose death grip I now suffer. So take WEARY RIVER as a clear-cut warning: Avoid San Diego like The Plague!!
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