12 November 2020
This movie is awesome!!! absolutely TERRIFICALLY AND WONDERFULLY AMAZINGLY EPIC!!! I grew up with this movie along with some of its characters and franchise and I highly recommend it for anyone in the universe 'cause I promise that you won't dislike it at all! how can anyone not LOVE this movie???!!!??? by over infinite% it has to be the best movie ever!!! IT HAS TO BE!!!

the animation has to be THE GREATEST ANIMATION EVER!!! Stop Motion Claymation may be the easiest animation too but a full-lengthed feature film entirely Stop Motion Claymated would take years to develop! I strongly appreciate they've worked so hard to get it all done! the camera quality is VERY great for its time! the models are fantastic and I like how they've made the Were-Rabbit furry and teddy-bear like compared to everyone else who's made of Plasticine Clay, this is why the Were-Rabbit's the evil monster 'cause he's not made of clay. the special effects in some scenes like the explosion is ACTION-PACKED!

the cast is done well, Wallace is portrayed as being crazy, clumsy and cheese-obsessed but super-genius, and is portrayed by famous British actor Peter John Sallis (from Last of the Summer Wine). the Britishness of this movie is great for any movie! the things I hear about England make me think it's better than any other country even though I haven't even been there and don't come from there! their accent makes them sound polite whether they're even being polite or not! it also stars Helena Bonham Carter (from The Gruffalo and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Ralph Fiennes (from Harry Potter and Lego Batman Movie) Benjamin Whitehead (from The Pirates, A Matter of Loaf and Death and later he even replaced the voice of Wallace!) and Peter Kay who was hilarious with his jokes and humour! even in the deleted scene! it also uses the greatest noise in the universe!!! THE WILHELM SCREAM!!!

this movie stands out mainly for humour, the moral is to not murder innocent cute rabbits and to listen to your friend if he's trying to tell you something and pay attention.

the soundtrack is GREAT!!! it has to be the best soundtrack ever! and it's got the best theme song ever! even though it doesn't even have words! the music has been well done made to sound like a horror movie 'cause this a horror parody, but vegetarian!!!

overall in conclusion, this movie is the BEST!!! I highly recommend this movie for anyone in the universe anytime! at any age or gender! I promise strongly that you'll love this with every blood cell in my vains!!! get or see this movie if you don't already have or seen it! get the soundtrack too! and all the shorts and episodes with it!!!
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