It was terrible that I could only watch five minutes.
13 October 2020
This film is terrible, and not a 'so bad that it's good' kind of way. I'm thinking the production was trying to make a throwback to the 80s action movies, complete with the upbeat techno-like music.

A synopsis; a US Ranger team was sent to the coast of Africa to rescue a VIP and his family, only to be surrounded by a terrorist leader and his heavily armed militia.

The Lieutenant calls for air-support to cover their escape. Two American pilots respond to his call, except, they're taking off in Russian MiG-35 Fulcrum F fighters. American pilots, flying Russian aircraft, in Africa. To add to the woes, the Fulcrums have no external ordnance. When they conduct their bombing run, the Fulcrums turn into Su-25 Frogfoots, a close-air-support aircraft, and who possess no external ordnance either.

Another thing I noticed during the shootout; most of the explosions used are stock footage or taken from other movies. As proof of this, there's a 1-2 second clip that I recognized as from the final battle in Rambo (2008), you can clearly see the Burmese soldiers, not even their uniforms were altered.

Three years later, now retired and living off the grid in Pennsylvania, the lieutenant is approached by his former commander to do one last mission.

That's where I stopped it because everything up to that point was bad, the final nail was the General's uniform-it's not even American at all! It has Russian pins and medals. They're so cheap they cheap they couldn't buy some proper ribbons and medals. More evidence that they're cheap, I went back to see the film's trailer, someone throws an M67 grenade and it goes off despite the spool still being attached to it.

This film is just terrible. The casting is terrible, production, set design, they take footage from other movies and they're so cheap they don't even bother getting proper uniforms or weapons.

It's so bad that I sent my DVD copy back to the production company because Wal Mart wouldn't accept returns.
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