Super Fuzz (1980)
Super Police Misconduct
1 October 2020
If this weren't such a transparently stupid comedy, one might think "Super Snooper," "Super Fuzz" or whatever you want to call it, a biting satire of American legal systems. In it, a man reminisces about the story leading up to the state trying to execute him for the fourth time. The flashback that is the main narrative begins with a vacated (presumably, by force) Native-American village being nuked. A Miami policeman, of his own volition apparently, delivers a parking ticket to one of the village's absent inhabitants. I assume it's not proper procedure for police officers to take this sort of initiative, let alone on what one wonders might be an Indian reservation. Anyways, the policeman gets nuked and so, naturally, gains superpowers from it. What does Super Fuzz do with his newfound abilities? Why conduct illegal searches, batter suspects, damage property, put peoples' lives in danger and manipulate his girlfriend of course. But, this cop has intuition, runs fast, walks on water, talks to fish and whatnot, which is what makes all of his run-of-the-mill violations of the law super duper, I guess.

I found the humor occasionally funny, actually, including the final gag on the superhero's vulnerability to the color red. But, much of it's infantile. That, too, would be more tolerable if the film were edited more tightly. I suspect that the theme song was obnoxiously played through a large chunk of the beginning and end of the picture in an attempt to alleviate the leisurely plot. For instance, how many times and different situations unrelated to the main storyline do we need to see of the super bobby demonstrating his powers in stopping or, as the case may be, starting crime? The framing device of the executions is an appreciated addition, though. There's also an actress playing an actress, who's also secretly connected to a criminal organization, which requires her to perform further acting. It also happened to be Joanne Dru's final role, which she appropriately sums up within the film by quipping, "My greatest role--what an ending!"
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