JEER - (3 stars out of 10)
31 August 2020
The stage curtains open ...

I was pleasantly surprised with the first movie in this franchise. Even though it wasn't anything special, it was still fun to watch. I went into this 2nd installment hoping that lightning would strike twice, but I was instead treated to one of the strangest, weirdest piece of horror movie making I think I've ever seen, next to maybe "Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation" (which left me unsettled in the worst way).

Our story picks up with a young couple driving the highway, making their way through the southwest, on their way to Albuquerque. When they decide to take an ill-advised shortcut through the Yellow Sands desert, which happens to be chock-full of radiated snakes, they pick up an unwelcome passenger (one such snake) and unknowingly bring it with them to the nearest motel where they are staying. While unloading their overnight things, the snake bites the hand of the young man and the real mayhem begins - taking us down a very perilous road into darkness, despair, and death.

This one started out pretty good, with great promise of a solid 80's horror flick. As things progressively got worse for our young protagonists, so did the movie. It really followed no line of logic, the acting was abysmal, and the premise completely distorted. This movie was just, well ... weird. And without giving anything away, I will say that it did offer up some visuals that made me recoil in horror - not because it was well made, but because it was all so preposterous and terribly executed. The final scene was fairly memorable, though not enough to salvage this wreckage of a movie.

I cannot recommend this one. It gets marks for originality, since I can't remember seeing anything like it, and I've always been a fan of Jill Schoelen. Overall though, this movie is a hot mess, overspilling with one repulsive scene after another. Why Jamie Farr picked this atrocity to cast as his horror film of choice is beyond me. This one is only a meager 3 stars out of 10.
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